Additional Tate war room chat logs prove human trafficking
Andrew Tate practiced the PHD method he taught in his courses, for the purpose of recruiting new camgirls to work for him under manipulative pretenses.
Please tell Elon Musk to unban @crabcrawler1. Please and thanks.
Yup it’s finally here. Finally.
In part 1 I tried to probe the basic concepts of who Andrew Tate was. He slept with women and made them his camgirls. Part 2 saw the arrest of the Tate brothers. Andrew and Tristan were arrested by Romanian authorities on human trafficking charges, amidst outcry from a crowd of supporters that A.T. had garnered by pushing a male role model persona on social media. Part 3 had me going over the old Twitter account of Andrew Tate. The “OfWudan” tweets revealed that A.T. thought of himself as a glorified gangster, and that he indeed ran a camgirl operation that was tied to him sleeping with his employees. We learned about that, along with getting a better understanding of Andrew’s ignorant personality and disregard for the law.
In this part we’ll fully confirm the reality of the Tate brothers operation. I got these chat logs from a former war room member who realized the whole thing was a grift meant to milk thousands of dollars out of young men looking for role models.
The authenticity of the chat logs were verified by the Rolling Stone. In a March 2023 article they cited some of the snippets I had previewed. I mention the fact that these archives were all vetted because one of the claims from Tate supporters is that, somehow, a cache of documentation of this scope could somehow be falsified.
Here’s an introductory video from Andrew Tate, welcoming and introducing you to the war room.
There’s no room left for doubt when it’s a private setting with the context to establish that Andrew and Tristan saw the war room group as such. Within these chat logs we have: “receipts” galore of the brothers exploits in sex and recruiting new camgirl employees, A.T. openly talks about his longtime girlfriend Vivian, we learn about some of the other backroom ways that the brothers make money, and we also see members of the US politics scene showing up to get a piece of the action.
It’s not just Andrew Tate here either. We also see how he influences other war room members to start their own webcam operations. Specifically he uplifts the violent tactics of fellow camgirl studio owner Vlad Obu. Someone who in their own situations confirms everyone’s habitual usage of Tate’s “loverboy” method where men sleep with women first, and then conscripting these girls into camwork second.
Andrew Tate has no more room for excuses. What you’re about to read is what Tate’s “Hustler’s University” army didn’t want you to see.
(Various) When it comes to a girl named “K,” we have Andrew Tate’s PHD method in action. All the way down to the “integration” part of the process. That’s when A.T.’s “bottom bitch” Vivian introduces the new camgirl to Andrew’s harem.
When someone asks who K was, a war room member replied “a girl he met in London, he is making her a cam girl.” While the group was aware of that, it’s unclear if K herself was. K was certainly unaware that Tristan Tate made secret Periscope livestream for the war room.
As Tristan himself says:
“Yeah man I told you I have shit to show you that can’t be shown elsewhere. Simple test but had to make the content good. Everytime you miss a war room live you’ll miss out on SOMETHING good.”
“How these girls react when they meet your regular for the first time?” asked a war room member.
In other conversations, Tristan discusses how “well trained” Andrew’s girls are. “Girls who don’t play ball are quickly expelled,” he added.
This is just a taste of what to expect from the Andrew Tate war room.
(5 April 2019) One of the main things to understand about the Tate war room is that Andrew teaches his loverboy PhD method as a key tenet to all of his members.
What he calls converting girls to work means sleeping with women and forming relationships with them, only to then bring up the idea of having them because camgirls after the fact.
Here’s the thing. It’s all a game to Andrew. He tells war room members “you have to risk losing it to get to the next level.”
First part makes it sounds like A.T. is talking about one girl at a time.
“The thing is this, and this is just between me and a lot of the other PUA guys. That shit you see me saying to her, okay…. I would be prepared to lose her forever. If she didn’t listen, or that last time I FDB’ed her for three days, even I thought maybe she’s gone forever. She crossed my mind, I thought ‘oh she’s gone.’ I would’ve never ever given up. I would’ve never given in and said sorry. Never. Never. And that’s the difference. You have to risk losing it, to get to the next level. If you want to get to the next level you got to risk losing it. It’s like gambling. You gamble five you make ten. You gotta gamble that ten if you want to make twenty. You gotta gamble that twenty if you want to make forty.”
Second part of the audio reveals that Andrew is specifically talking about his own methods.
“Sometimes you lose. I’ve lost girls. Doesn’t always work. But that’s why you always got to find new ones. And the ones that it does work for, are the ones you keep, and that’s how you build a good harem of girls. Ya know? Because some girls it just it, some girls the system works. But if they have another guy they kind of half-like, or whatever whatever outside influences… sometimes you do lose them when you play hard ball. But I play hard ball anyway. Because it’s all I’m interested in. I want the one-hundred. I don’t want the five. So I’ll gamble it. That’s the basic premise.”
(18 July 2019) Andrew Tate tells his war room that the PhD test of picking up chicks to turn into webcam workers made him rich. Here, he personally swears by it. “The PhD test alone was fundamental to me becoming a millionaire.”
(22 October 2019) Andrew complained that his loverboy pick-up routine was not working as well after getting verified on social media. “Girls are too defensive. Instantly assume you msg every hot girl. Destroys PhD success rate. Seriously. Unless you wanna be a sugar daddy. Which I don’t.”
From here onward we’re going to get deeper into the various discussions of the Tate brothers and war room members.
Camgirls General
(17 March 2019) Andrew Tate gives a long walkthrough about he leads women on.
(27 March 2019) That time Tristan Tate said he plowed a 19-year-old and thought she was a “slut.”
(3 April 2019) Andrew Tate went on a date with a “world famous Bollywood actress” and Tristan Tate notified the war room that he’d be secretly recording meeting her at a local cigar lounge.
(5 April 2019) Tristan posts one of the girls he was going to get to move to Bucharest, asking the war room guys for ratings.
(14 April 2019) Andrew shares that he messed with a woman’s mind by not confirming or denying he slept with other girls.
…. Immediately after sharing that conversation, A.T. talks about how he was going to pick up Miss Moldova 2017. A war room member asks him if she was going to be a camgirl. Andrew responded that it was “worth a try!”
(21 April 2019) Tristan says: “Had 2 girls last night. This one was too shy so I fucked the other while she watches.”
(28 April 2019) Tristan Tate introduces his latest girl of the night to the war room. He shares a video of her coming back to bed, naked.
(20 May 2019) Tristan Tate says Ivan (likely Thorne) has been living around his house long enough to see the “7 to 8” women he’s sleeping with. He had to give a special disclaimer for a nerdy geek girl that came over because she not the usual type of “hot.”
“If she was my ONLY girlfriend people wouldn’t be too impressed with my efforts. But as part of my collection I have my reasons for keeping her,” Tristan says. “I like to keep one nerd. I like [variety].”
Then T.T. shared a collage of photos of the girl in question to get input from other war room members. It wouldn’t be the only time he did so.
(1 June 2019) A case where we see Andrew trying to convince a girl to tattoo his name on themselves.
(4 June 2019) Andrew Tate is in the midst of his loverboy method approach here. While away on travels he said he had to break “protocol because I have one night here. So had to progress faster.” A.T. said his PHD system worked easily, and that he’d fly this newest girl to Bucharest when he had the time.
Another war room member asked about how new girls are integrated into the Tate household. “I don’t bring new girls to the cam house first date, I have separate houses.” It was a process that everyone in the war room was familiar with by now.
(19 June 2019) Andrew Tate threatened to kick out a girl into the cold after she missed a flight.
“the spell was cast when we last lay in bed. And i told her everyone would know shes mine. And theyll laugh that i cheat on her. But she will stay with me anyway and show the world how much she loves me. Not in those exact words. involved some dick. But there we are. she will be 34. miss moldova from the miss world competition”
(21 June 2019) Here, Andrew Tate notified the war room that he was “starting two new girls” that day and that’d he be updating members of the webcam section updated on how they did.
(24 June 2019) Tristan Tate filmed this 19-year-old Russian girl calling her mom, reassuring her she was ok.
(27 June 2019) "Open spot on the roster?" asked Jon Money Pilot, referring to A.T.'s camgirl business. “Yep. [A] is [fired],” replied Andrew.
(17 July 2019) “Adriana and abi. 2 of my girlfriends who cam for me,” Tristan shows off.
(21 July 2019) Andrew shows off his latest “catch” at a club. Not only does everyone know about him, it’s also a cheap place to screw. “Fucked an 18 year old hottie 3 hours after meeting her.” A.T. said 20 girls showed up to the table that he and his brother were at in the club.
The expression on Andrew’s face describes much in of itself.
(27 July 2019) Andrew Tate literally says “I need money. More girls = more money.” He also has his main squeeze Vivian cleaning up the house amidst a party. Why would A.T. want to host a party? (A YouTuber asked if he could, for one.) But it also allows him the opportunity to see if there are any viable candidates to recruit into his camgirl business empire. A commenter noted how Vivian seemingly went along with it all.
(23 August 2019) That time that A.T. wanted to brag about his latest three-way while the other war room people were talking about appliances or something.
(6 September 2019) “Imagine paying for a cam girl. Who has king Tate tattooed on her hip,” A.T. said alongside uploading a pornographic video of the girl in question.
(26 September 2019) “Cam girl complaining she dreams of private’s because I make her do so many hours,” Andrew Tate says. Alongside it he posts the following video.
(1 October 2019) Tristan shares an occasion where a girl had a chance to redeem herself in his eyes. She went from someone who was originally thrown out of his house for the night as punishment for being annoying, to getting a tattoo with Tristan’s name on it.
(6 October 2019) Andrew Tate sent the same video at the same time to a catalog of different girls in his phone line-up. That way he’d be capable of keeping up the charade that A.T. specifically cared about all of them individually.
(22 October 2019) Andrew Tate says when he and Tristan ran a roster of 75 camgirls: “I had managers - the smarter females.” Something that’s relevant now given A.T.’s denials about both Georgiana and Luana’s roles within his Romanian operation.
(30 November 2019) Tristan Tate says it’d be impossible for him to abstain from sex. “I couldn’t do it. Having sex with my girls is part of my business. I’d lose girls and lose money.” A pair of sentences that the Romanian authorities grew incredibly interested in, around April 2022.
(11 December 2019) Unlike what Andrew Tate is claiming now, in the war room he openly admitted to exploiting people. “Casinos are going to be huge income for the war room. Cam girls and casinos. We use the vices of weak men to increase our powers.”
(10 March 2020) Andrew asked his brother if he had a girl who speaks Russian that could accompany his posse of girls because he had a Russian of his own. “I’m a collector bruv. Like asking bob Marley for a spliff,” responded Tristan.
(23 April 2020) Andrew Tate gives his thoughts about women as equals, in response to a war room member who said a girl flaked on him before doing camwork.
A.T. declares: “you cant do DEALS with girls. you can not reason with the savage. the pied piper didnt do a deal with the children.”
War room members, including Andrew and Iggy, held up the loverboy method and A.T.’s webcam course as if it was gospel and the only feasible means of making camgirls do the work. “After quarantine I’ll meet her she’ll fall in love then I’ll get her on webcam,” vows the war room member.
More on the Tate Bros. in General
What better way to start off this section, than showing Andrew Tate's self-described red pill story where he formulated his viewpoints about the world? It happened when A.T. was seven. Two "hoes" conspired to kill a friend of Andrew's dad. One "hoe" went through with it, stabbing the guy in his sleep.
(5 May 2019) “The flaw?" Fake ass.”
(20 May 2019) Andrew Tate got into a fight with his sister over his support of Donald Trump. Janine went as far as blocking both A.T. and Vivian on social media. His sister asked Vivian why she liked Trump, and Vivian responded with “cause andrew does. so i do.” The war room men applauded Vivian’s political obedience. They also generally believe it’s crucial for women to have the same politics as their partners.
(2 June 2019) Andrew Tate demonstrates playing mind games on a girl for a hotel bar bill. He did it on purpose because he wanted an excuse not to see her again.
"And this is the kind of awesome woman handling you barely hear about in the red pill/manosphere. Reasons why I'm here in the war room. Love it💪," one member responded. “You don't get punched as often or as hard when they're scared of getting punched,” was another member’s reaction.
(3 June 2019) A.T. shows off his date in Vienna, but a war room member thinks of the girl in terms of how much money she’ll bring in.
(20 June 2019) Andrew Tate says he never lost a girl he wanted to keep. The only women that leave, he says, are the ones that reach the “fdb” (fuck dat bitch) stage of his ideology. In a follow-up comment, Tristan says there are no Asians in either his or his brothers “rotations.”
(22 June 2019) Here we see the psychological trappings that Andrew Tate puts women in. Apparently he was scaring away girls on purpose because he had too many.
“I'm at a point now where it’s more than abundance. I’m a dickhead on purpose because I need some to leave. And the remaining will be more behaved than ever before. I have nothing to lose. I seriously care 0. I have a rotation of around 11. With 100 new girls I could add. It’s just annoying bullshit.”
Given the current circumstances surrounding the Tate brothers case? This conversation reveals volumes about Andrew’s management style and thinking when running the camgirl business.
(26 June 2019) A.T. brings up the pervasive influence of his father when it came to finding his own inner strength.
(6 July 2019) Andrew Tate tells Mike Cernovich that he's glad he got to experience being poor until his late 20s. “I only had money cause I had so many girls in love with me at my shared apartment,” A.T. adds about the source of his wealth.
(19 July 2019) Tristan Tate promises he’d bring at least two girls to the next war room summit. Be they from a pool of girls the guys were already familiar with, or a completely new pair of women Tristan picks up online. Others in the conversation take bets on how many girls T.T. will end up bringing/banging.
It was four out of 9. He later shared a video with the girl he slept with.
Girl: "You're busy?"
Tristan: "Yeah I'm busy, I'm talking to the war room. Are you gonna sleep all day, baby?" G: "no...."
T: "you have to wake up"
G: "why?"
T: "Because you can't be lazy and your makeup is all smudged on your face. im trying to make a video of you where you look hot."
*girl laughs and covers her face*
T: "how are you supposed to look hot with makeup smudged on your face?"
T: "do you know who the grandmaster iggy is? the grandmaster iggy says you got to show your receipts. That's what I'm doing. Showing my receipts. I'm not all talk. I've got 4 out of 9. back. you're number 4."
(19 July 2019) Tristan Tate says none of his camgirls are allowed to fly business class because “they haven’t earned it and I’m no sugar daddy.” Instead, he and Andrew developed a routine of flying out to places a few days in advance. They lie and claim to have business meetings.
Iggy applauds Tristan for this practice and says his “TSOD” actually prefers it. Jacob Wohl justifies his own flying situation by saying he’s too friggin’ tall and girls are smaller than guys.
(+ 20 November 2019) A few months later, Tristan broke his own rules. “My two top webcam models. Earned a trip out here,” he swore to the war room guys.
(20 July 2019) One of Tristan Tate’s girlfriends comes back and he feels “1/9th better.”
(25 July 2019) The war room boys got a hands-on lesson from Tristan Tate. When it came to handling relationships, Tristan started up one of his signature secret Periscope recordings. In it, according to the aftermath description, T.T. used the “FDB” technique to cut ties with a girl.
(3 October 2019) Andrew shares messages from the girls sliding into his DMs while staying in Cluj.
(17 October 2019) Tristan presents a new girl that he’s seeing by showing the tattoo on the back of the neck of his latest prospect.
“Quick receipt you guys may like. I notice a lot of you guys don't have the PhD. Maybe some of you don't need it. But if you like this video it probably has something to teach you",” he said.
Someone asks about what’s seen as usual for his girlfriends. In response, he gives a key few lines of dialogue:
“If a girl doesn’t cam for me at this point in time it’s because…. Either. 1. I’m working on it and trying to get her to work for me. 2. she serves me some other purpose as opposed to just having sex with her. This girl is the 1st. Met her 10 times total maybe. Already got the tattoo.”
Conversations about the brothers grooming new girls through their PHD method were commonplace in the war room.
(24 October 2019) Tristan tells the war room about how he sold porn on CDs back in high school.
(18 December 2019) Sometimes A.T. gets back with his exes. In this case it’s Chloe Othen.
(19 December 2019) “Naked Caviar in a 2500 dollar hotel room talking about how she never really loved her boyfriend she just cheated on with me,” Andrew tells the war room about whoever his latest catch was. He says he’s going to FDB (dump her) the next day.
(21 December 2019) Andrew Tate, the world-renowned icon for men, brings up how he stole leads from his old job and funneled them into a side hustle of his own.
(28 December 2019) Andrew Tate tells a story about a generous drug dealer he once knew. Someone in his friend circle ratted him out. Now he works at Amazon. It turns into a speech from A.T. about demanding loyalty from the war room. Iggy mentioned how Hitler and Al Capone had small friend circles that enabled massive takeovers during their time periods in history.
Andrew at the very least agreed with the comparison to Al Capone.
(21 January 2020) Insight on Tristan being open to the concept of arranged marriages.
(30 January 2020) Andrew Tate bragging that one of his girls managed to grift a horny guy by changing the terms of a deal. It was originally $70 USD for five pictures but then it was changed to $70 per pic instead. War room members applauded A.T.’s display.
(11 April 2020) Andrew Tate shows us how as many as three women make him coffee in the morning and mow it’s a big ol’ process.
As for the next section: this is the most work safe appropriate image of Vivian I could find.
In the summer of 2019, Andrew Tate recruited his main girlfriend Vivian into helping him set up a gangbang cruise with other girls he was fucking. I don’t see a more significant way of showing Vivian’s awareness than helping participate in A.T.’s crazy pipe dream.
Andrew specifically said only two of the girls knew each other, when going into this pitch. The screenshots show that the conversation mentioning meeting up for coffee for proper introductions. A.T. was hyped at the possibility that other girls would get jealous they weren’t invited.
(1 April 2019) From the outset we can see that Andrew Tate uses his "main" girlfriend Vivian as an example of peak camgirl success.
Here we can see A.T. showing off the thousands of dollars in tip money she makes, as a means of advertising for his camgirl course. "Anyone [whose] not got the cam course. Get it. It takes time to build. But it's money," Andrew says. "If you stick at it, you end up with girls like viv now." "Who does 1000-[5000] dollars everyday."
A guy even offered to sell his TV to buy more tokens to give her.
(2 April 2019) (+ 3 April 2019) Dude went through with it. “Your my friend” Duke told Vivian. The war room guys celebrated a successful grift.
(6 April 2019) “Viv better do more hours,” Andrew said during an announcement reassuring war room members that payments for his affiliate program would be on time. Even if interpreted as a joke in the context of A.T. not being poor, this is still an acknowledgement by him that Vivian has done camgirl work for him.
(6 April 2019) (+ 18 May 2019)When it comes to paying Vivian, Andrew says she gets a flat rate of $1000 USD a week no matter what. A.T. justifies it by saying he splurges on the luxuries, and that Vivian understands the situation regarding housing. “All the girls working for pimps. If they did it for money. Why would they have a pimp at all? No. They do it for attention. Only. You can’t motivate girls with money they’ll leave you,” he tells the war room.
The topic of Vivian’s payment comes up in another convo. It’s more brief, with A.T. claiming she gets “less than 3%” but is nonetheless taken care of.
(25 May 2019) When it came to how A.T. met Vivian, he says it still came to his PHD system. Andrew considered her one of his most loyal girls in his harem.
(4 June 2019) That time Andrew Tate had Vivian’s phone and wanted to learn more about some guy pretending to be a part of the illuminati. “She ain’t modelling on some boat being a slut she’s making me coffee and preparing to give me 10 sons,” he added. A sentence that helps to solidify the relationship dynamic of being A.T.’s main girlfriend.
(20 June 2019) Someone paid Vivian $6000 USD to have her nipples pierced. Apparently Vivian was hesitant to go through with it and it took 8 days of convincing. Andrew wanted to try and con other guys to pay for the piercing job too and “lie and say she did it all for them.”
A lot going on here besides the piercing grift. Andrew said he’d be on track to rake in 200 to 250k that month and that he had four regular girls plus three new ones working for him at the moment. “But only 1 will probably stay long term,” out of those three new coming on board.
(22 July 2019) An Andrew Tate quote that shows that Vivian is aware of his routine. A.T. even complains about how all the girls he picks up make the same video showing them riding in his lambo.
(1 August 2019) A war room member says A.T. gave them all “the rules to women.” Andrew doesn’t disagree, and says controlling women allows war room members to manipulate the “biological desire to all males across the earth.” He says Vivian could bait a country’s President if he wanted her to.
I don’t know Substack’s rules for censoring titties. But for context, Andrew shares Vivian’s bare jugs. Nipple piercings and all. A.T. calls them a pair of assets worth millions of dollars. “And the PhD will give you all your own assets,” he adds, plugging his loverboy method of recruiting camgirls.
“If I bailed to Japan today without a penny and put her in a strip club I’d be living good. And [she’d] do it. And give me every fucking penny.”
Andrew says here “the rules to the game don’t change.” I wonder if that applies to his current situation with the Romanian authorities and human trafficking charges?
(3 August 2019) the war room is introduced to a girl that A.T. picked up, who happens to look like Vivian. 18-years-old. She told Andrew that she loved him. In return he toyed with proposing the number of children they ought to have.
“Shes in Moldova. Wants to move to me. But tbh I’m busy af next month or so. I don’t need another female in my way. She can wait. They slow you down. Females. In the house. “Lunch” “dinner.” Blowjobs. Sex. I have to plan the war room summit”
(+ 10 August 2019) This Moldovan girl comes up again. Andrew is fixated on the idea that she looks like Vivian. It’s brought up in a conversation that the three of them should fornicate together.
(5 August 2019) A video where Andrew tells Vivian that he’s going to take a picture of her for the war room and that she “has to look hot.” She’s aloof about it at first, more interested in staring at her cell phone. A.T. continues, Vivian laughs a little and is confused about what Andrew wants her to do for a pose.
“I’m just going to show them the lambo because that’s prettier than you,” he jokes at the end of the video.
(7 August 2019) A.T. snaps at the war room group on the topic of men being afraid of beautiful women. In contrast to the “red pill” sphere online, Andrew claims to weaponize beauty. The conversation turns into A.T. talking about how women are going to act foolish sometimes, and how men respond to that can vary. “Viv needs checking all the damn time. It’s human nature,” he says.
(20 October 2019) The guys talk about Vivian as someone who is seemingly “deep” enough with Andrew that it’s nearly impossible for her to ever leave him. She was brought up in the first place amidst a conversation about the war room dudes balancing “main” girls alongside sex with other girls.
(We also get an instance of Vlad Obu/Joe Lampton showing up to give his two cents. “I’m very proud that the war room guys make $ with Andrews course & mindset,” he says. But then Vlad cautions against having ONE girl make TOO MUCH money. He believes it’s better to have multiple girls who make less on their own.)
(22 December 2019) Andrew Tate could’ve been much richer much sooner if he took up a guy on his offer for 10 bitcoin for a Skype session with Vivian, back in 2016.
(3 January 2020) Here we have a story that Andrew Tate may have alluded to on a podcast. If it wasn’t this instance, specifically, the same gimmick applied. He told the war room that Vivian grifted $12,000 from an Australian through various expense “fees” that she claimed were going to be used to set up for a trip to see him.
She then claimed to the Australian she couldn’t get a travel visa in the first place. This caused the Australian guy to flip out. Such an emotional reaction served as an excuse for Vivian to manipulate the man for more cash.
(20 February 2020) Andrew tells a story about how he juggled sleeping with multiple girls. He told the war room guys it’s crucial to always play coy and not reveal too much to anyone. “Few days ago I tagged myself in Liverpool. I have an ex there. She was one of the early Cam girls. Lived with me and viv for a while,” he started by saying.
(5 April 2020) Andrew shares DMs sent to him from some of Vivian’s fans who vie for her attention. One of them is Chord Overstreet, a now 34-year-old actor who was on the TV show Glee. Their conversation had him checking in on how Vivian was doing amidst the worldwide COVID pandemic lockdowns starting up. The other is a semi-similar message from some podcaster named Ralph Sutton.
It’s unclear which person Vivian was trying to get money from. I’d guess the Glee actor.
(14 October 2019) What kind of advice does Vlad Obu/Joe Lampton recommend? Here’s one example.
“Last week a girl from my studio was angry I blocked her number, she was annoying me, saying “Unblock me nowww etc” I took her keyboard and hit her in the head with it. She went in the room and worked 7 hours without any break. She didn’t mention nothing about it later. For her a bit violence worked, for others u use different methods etc”
He added the disclaimer that he wasn’t advocating for violence and that laws worked differently in Romania than they do in the USA. But the whole “I make her work 28 days a month” thing seems pretty bad.
(Here’s a related story from Andrew Tate. In this thread he told a story about dealing with a “crazy bitch” who pulled a knife out on him.)
(20 October 2019) Vlad/Joe announces that he took up more of Andrew Tate's advice about camgirl management. By that, he took up having more of a relationship with one of his top employees. Their dynamic works as follows: Vlad's girlfriend takes up exploiting "some vry rich men on IG, one of them is a CEO, friends with Phillip Plein. She's also Vlad's "Vivian" insofar that she helps integrate new employees at his camgirl studio. Meanwhile, Vlad is still free to sleep with whoever he wants. He says he was keeping this relationship on the "down low, only 5-6 people know I'm with her, no photos on IG or shit like that."
But wait. There’s more. It includes Vlad trying to get his girl to tattoo his name on her.
“She’s always crying because of me witch is a good thing. I have control 95% over her mind, no friends, no romanians on IG, no going out without me, if people from Romania randomly DM her she always tells me.”
Vlad said she doesn’t know he’s constantly cheating. “She has to think she’s not that important to me. If she thinks she’s important for me she will play it against me. Trying to demand more from me (time together, staying together full time etc)",” he told the war room.
Vlad actually had a laundry list of psychological manipulation tactics he uses on women. However, his suggestion of faking depression to make the girls work harder at camming received a mixed reception.
(9 November 2019) Vlad shows off a woman with his name tattooed on her. Not clear if this was his “bottom bitch” who got it, though.
(26 November 2019) Vlad shows off a before and after picture for one of his camgirls. “Made her a machine of extracting cash from Western customers,” he says. One of the replies applauds and says this is “clear proof that webcam improves these women’s lives.” Elsewhere, we have Vlad showing off the €1500 Euro the camgirl banked, sent to him via MoneyGram.
Soon after, Vlad laments about how previous camgirls have left his studio.
"I too regret not using Tate’s method earlier. I initially thought it’s better to not get involved with “employees”. Lost many valuable prospects that could have earned me way more $."
The war room applauds Vlad’s advice and asks for more.
(28 December 2019) Vlad tells the war room gang about the “most loyal woman" he has ever met. A 38-year-old lady whose drug dealer is in prison. She visits him every week and bribes the guards. Vlad says "he made her loyal by being a violent, jealous, psychopatic savage. Slaped her when it was the moment etc Old school shit."
(4 January 2020) I just felt like adding this one to remove doubt that the Tate brothers actually know Vlad Obu and vice versa + that there’s a full awareness all around about the tactics they all use with women.
(16 January 2020) Vlad Obu describes the special room that he’d be setting up.
“It’s a “dark” room focusing on the raw, [uncensored] methods of pimping and handling women. Me and the Tate’s offer consultance + my 2 [unreleased] books REVENGE & THE DECIEVER. And of course, as the title suggests, methods of REVENGE that aren’t going to be discussed anywhere BUT there. I’ll be answering questions in the DM’s. Let’s not spam the Great Hall with REVENGE Room.”
(+ 1 February 2020) (+ 5 February 2020) (+ 14 February 2020) (+ 10 March 2020)(+ 20 March 2020) A war room member says he had “100 new females following [his] IG in the last 3 days,” thanking something called the “REVENGE” group for having this impact. According to this person, Vlad Obu and the Tate brothers share advanced strategies for members to implement. Vlad calls it “THE DARK ROOM.”
How how another war room person described it:
“You have constant access to Joe. You can ask any type of questions ranging from girls to music to gym to whatever. He doesn’t give you bs replies. They’re good and informative. The value you get is far greater than the price.”
But another war room member says “Joe lamptons revenge is only for the really evil ;).”
When asked about it, my source told me that he recalled Joe Lampton’s revenge room as the place where camgirl management styles were discussed.
I was given a copy of Vlad Obu/Joe Lampton's REVENGE "book" (PDF) from war room sources. They claim this is the actual product that Mr. Lampton put out.
They claim this is the actual product that Mr. Lampton put out.
I want to make my personal opinion clear: while the big font is laughable, the language of the PDF’s author (sadly) matches the writing style of Vlad Obu/Joe Lampton on Telegram.
If we look past the elementary school reading levels, we’ll find that Vlad Obu / Joe Lampton teaches sociopathic methods for this so-called “revenge.”
At one point Vlad allegedly says:
"Hurting a woman properly is done with a smile on your face. The times we live in ask for indirect methods of punishment. Smooth methods. Gentleman methods. Killing her soul softly."
Scroll up from that passage and you’ll find the following.
The fact that the Tate brothers allowed Vlad Obu/Joe Lampton to teach these in his war room, speaks for itself.
These bizarre and brazen "revenge" tips come after a couple dozen pages of average run-of-the-mill men's lifestyle advice that you can find literally everywhere else online. Vlad's twisted views of women and how to engage in relationships is wedged in, alongside that other mediocre personal guidance.
(20 January 2020) Vlad Obu casually brings up how he pimped out a mother and her two daughters to be webcam models. He blames the lack of father figure as the reason that they were all willing to go through with it.
He gives the following advice to war room members regarding finding potential camgirls:
“Most camgirls have weak fathers. 99%. Or no father (dead, jail etc). Good tip: if you want a girl to work for you, find one with a weak family. She’ll love you the most. She will depend on you. You can use this. She’ll say ‘you’re the only one I have.’ Strong father = hard to manipulate.”
The alternative is that a woman has a strong father. In these circumstances, Vlad recommends isolating the girl from the rest of her friends and family.
The question is: do the Tate brothers endorse this? Yes. You’ll see that they gave Vlad a special channel to teach his management style to other war room members.
(22 January 2020) A pair of Vlad stories that in themselves solidify his connection to the brothers. In one example here we have a story about how a girl fled his studio years ago, and took all the other camgirls with her. He called it “stealing.” Vlad also mentions he has his name tattooed on other women as a display of ownership, like the Tate brothers do.
(30 January 2020) In another example we have Vlad claiming Tristan personally endorsed him:
“Tristan once told my GF ‘Joe is the coolest romanian guy, that’s why we hang out with him’. Of course, it was an exaggeration. Tristan knows every celebrity in Bucharest. I’m not the coolest guy yet. But his gesture was very nice and I appreciated it.”
“Another time, I was with a soldier of mine, that drives my car. Tristan told me something about bitches and money, then said ‘Don’t worry you’ll be at the same level in less than 2 years.’ The solider told me the next day in front of others ‘Tristan believes you’ll have supercars and mansions in 2 years’ I understood the lessons that were taught to me so I started to do the same thing with the people around me.”
The point being that it shows Vlad’s place in the war room hierarchy. If the Tate brothers gave their personal approval, the rest of the clique falls in line.
More importantly, this wasn’t just idle praise. A.T. himself acknowledged and responded to it.
A day or so later, Vlad posted more proof that he was “always working.”
(17 February 2020) "Beat her up. I slapped every female I was with. Because I’m me,” Vlad says. “My life cant be destroyed by a woman, because my destruction would mean hers first. I isolate females from society and set the pieces in a way that her betrayal would hurt her more.”
Vlad goes by the alias of Joe Lampton in his social media profiles. Despite the extreme things this person repeatedly says, the Tate brothers propped him up in the war room. Andrew and Tristan saw nothing wrong with this guy, and Mr. Vlad looked to emulate the Tate brothers methodologies in return.
(2 March 2020) Vlad Obu brags to the war room that he managed to milk his girlfriend for more money. After only making $870, he told her that Andrew Tate travels through Europe screwing whoever he wants, while Vivian is making $2000 USD for him in the meantime. Vlad threatens to break-up with his own girlfriend on the basis of these so-called "bigger standards" that he has. Vlad's girlfriend cried and made roughly $3000 the next day to make it up to him. The war room gave a big thumbs up to the whole thing.
(8 March 2020) “I’d rather kick the ass of this slave female with the stack of cash she recently made me😂😂😂” Vlad said, accompanying the posting of this video.
(12 March 2020) In an effort to cope with the onset of the COVID pandemic, Vlad gives a speech to one of his camgirls. “I WANT TO BEAT YOU,” he tells her. “SELL PUSSY SELL SOUL MAKE MORE MONEY.”
(17 March 2020) Vlad Obu just flat-out asks war room members for help with his Facebook scam of making fake girls to astroturf his reputation online.
(+ 30 August 2019) (It wasn’t the only type of social media fluffing that occurred in the group, either. The Instagram engagement room ran by Camilo Gomez included the usage of fake accounts to boost numbers.)
(18 March 2020) Vlad tells the war room that his camgirl (same girl from earlier who he said he wanted to beat), made $8000 USD off of a guy through the magic of lying. Specifically, she lied to him about wanting to start up a clothing website and needed some start-up cash.
(5 April 2020) Vlad Obu shares a story about how his girlfriend/a camgirl got emotionally invested in making him $5000 because of psychological mind games he played on her.
(20 April 2020) Vlad gets suspicious about a rich client because the pictures he sent his camgirl seem too clean to be legitimate. He ends up not caring either way because the rich guy had already sent $20,000 to the camgirl anyway.
(28 April 2020) “An OnlyFans subscriber just sent one of my girls $12.000,” says Vlad.
Behold! The mystical survival scrolls. Before proceeding further you must read these wisdom texts. Which may or may not be a list of links to other links and so forth.
Why would I start with random trivia for Tate's hypnotist Iggy Semmelweis? It's because the background lore is hard to come by. Iggy always kept himself in the background on purpose. He was always mysterious on purpose. I use the phrase "on purpose" on purpose. It defines everything Iggy does in Andrew Tate's war room.
(31 March 2019) Iggy Semmelweis dictates the purpose of Andrew Tate’s PHD course is “to have women complying to the point she'll be wanting to do WebCam for us.”
(Various) Iggy Semmelweis was the pusher of the Tate brothers PHD agenda during the war room's early years.
Iggy Semmelweis tapered down from plugging Tate's PHD program over time. It became clear to him that the war room "got" it. So he'd able to turn his attention to building his own webcam empire, which we'll talk about by the end of this section.
While showing these examples from Iggy might come off as somewhat repetitive, it establishes the relevancy of the PHD program as part of the foundation of beliefs for Tate's followers.
(Various) So now you've met the PHD pusher side of him, time to see the other point of view: Tate war room members looked up to that same Iggy Semmelweis for advice. This is how Tate's ideology about women needing to be camgirls to be useful in life, seems to be couched into a twisted perception of so-called "wisdom."
(Various) Early on, Iggy Semmelweis was an excellent meet-up guy who helped people in Tate's war room gather together in real life. It allowed him to add another layer of perceived legitimacy to his so-called teachings.
But think of it from the war room's point of view. "Oh my god I get to meet a bunch of cool guys in real life this is really inspiring for me on a personal level."
(14 April 2019) A war room member brings up how his best friend bought a house with a girl and went as far as paying off the previous girl's debts. Iggy warns the member about having any business ties with this person because they seem very "blue pilled." He's relieved to hear when the member doesn't have any.
(14 April 2019) Same day. A curious reader asked Iggy what was meant by "FSS." He replied "Female Sexual Slavery," adding that it was a place-marker for the next version of the PhD program. If we're reading in-between the lines on this one, while it's part of Iggy's lingo, "FSS" is the ultimate goal in Tate's ideology for his followers when they're making a webcam empire.
(28 April 2019) (29 April 2019) (30 April 2019) Here we have a few different things going on. First off we have Iggy answering the question about how to harness “energy” when it comes to business work. He cites attention as the secret sauce. “We want to hook our girls. We want to hook our customers in WebCam.”
In both this example and the example above, Iggy says these are the types of things taught to attendees of Tate’s war room summit conferences.
Money Pilot Jonathan adds that putting women to work for you with “small tasks” creates a dopamine loop.
Additionally I included an example of of A.T. talking to war room members about blueprints of other things besides webcam. Things like crypto and selling courses are other trades of Tate’s followers.
(30 April 2019) When asked how he met Andrew Tate, Iggy's evasive answer is "dumb luck."
(15 May 2019) Iggy says he doesn't care about the rest of the world. Only the war room and a few other people.
(28 May 2019) This is how Iggy described Andrew Tate’s business structure:
“Who here hasn't figured this out? Tate IS a Pimp and he's training ALL of us how to be Pimps. He DEMONSTRATES what he teaches. We learn by being on the receiving end of that which we hope to accomplish. Learn how it FEELS to be led by a PIMP and you can understand what your girls AND the MEN YOU WILL DO BUSINESS WITH want to feel: Positively Inspired and Motivated Personally.”
Iggy was responding to a blog post who called A.T.’s practices exploitative.
(29 May 2019) Iggy Semmelweis takes on the role of the main guide and teacher for war room members. This below example is one of countless cases I could've highlighted. He talks a lot because repetition is part of the whole gimmick.
I chose this one because Iggy added some lines that really hook things back to the whole webcam agenda.
"Now, I know the first two suggestions are 'D'oh! No shit, Sherlock!' but the techniques after that are quite clever and Gs actively working the WebCam angle will instantly recognize Adams' strategy is already our own in terms of making our girls better money generators."
Bold emphasis added by me.
(1 June 2019) (+ 3 June 2019) In this one, Iggy talks and teaches to other war room members about “soul stealing.” This basically boils down to having men play mind games with the women that they sleep with. “She sees how other women are around me. She knows I could find another girl. But her pride won’t let her lose and the D hits her spots the right way. Soul Stealer. The Drug.”
In another convo we have people centering the importance of the webcam course, A.T. encouraging modern degeneracy as a means of taking more advantage in the webcam business, and Iggy asking folks “you got your girls WebCamming yet?”
(19 June 2019) Iggy applauds Joshua’s camgirl after having met her at a war room meet-up. He says the girl is properly “soul-locked.”
“Got her on Chaturbate, and sleeping in the concrete floored garage with no A/C, spiders, and roaches.”
Joshua says he looks forward to learning more of Iggy’s spell casting in the weeks ahead.
(22 June 2019) A war room member gets sexually explicit guidance from Iggy on grooming a girl into wanting to become a cam model.
(A few hours later, the same war room member reveals he has other women that he sees and that they’re getting jealous of each other.)
(Various) This type of whimsical language from Iggy wasn't unusual. He actually used it all the time in the war room as a means of linguistic programming onto the members. In fact, by merely hanging around the telegram channel long enough, the hypnotic presence lured people into the "Wudan" way of thinking.
(29 June 2019) Iggy and the other war room guys judge one of Andrew Tate's camgirl prospects.
(9 July 2019) Here's an example of what Iggy Semmelweis means by "spells." He shows a picture of Andrew Tate and a group of women. Iggy asks the war room what sort of symbolic message the image portrays. Iggy's personal interpretation of it, in the form of a grand narrative for war room members to aspire to, is the gimmick.
(20 July 2019) Iggy told about this one time he was working at a company where (according to him) the bosses tried organizing his ouster on sex-related grounds. It's not made entirely clear what the claims against Iggy were, beyond that. What Iggy did make known, however, was that he was in cahoots the whole time with the female complainant. He had her complain to management, so that Iggy could embarrass them.
(Various) There are a few times where Iggy Semmelweis brings up his "normie" job, as every so often he'd post about his sales for some kind of business he had going on in Japan.
I add this because Iggy specifically says he sells computer parts, as well as women's fashion and accessories. These are items suited for things like a camgirl business.
(Here are the graphs from the above picture)
(27 July 2019) (+ 28 July 2019) Iggy teaches war room members to condition women as if they were dogs.
(1 September 2019) During the Romania meet-up festivities, Andrew shows Iggy was being a baller in the club scene.
"Who the the idiots who acted so stupid I couldn’t invite my soldiers?" A.T. added. This would kick off the Romania meet-up punishment arc where Iggy reprimanded war room members for being embarrassments during the trip.
(8 October 2019) Tristan says Iggy is going to get him in trouble because Iggy's wife left some flowers. When Tristan brings girls over, they see the flowers and start asking questions about other women. “Gotta make Iggy proud” is a line that shows how the likes of Andrew and Tristan look up to him as a mentor.
Tristan posted a video showing off the flowers. They’re fake and used as a cover for a covert bag. Full of condoms.
(11 October 2019) Iggy gives his recommendations of various substances that he uses in the bedroom. Besides the drugs and energy drinks (?), he lists several kink related items which shed light on the more intense sexual activities he takes part in.
Later that day, Tristan says he and Andrew were sitting around at a bar in Timișoara. The topic of their conversation was how much they missed Iggy and wished he was there with them.
(20 October 2019) "We always seek women who will 'Cam' for us." Iggy told the war room. "Correct," A.T. acknowledged.
(21 October 2019) (+ 24 October 2019) Iggy Semmelweis begins to "practice what he preaches" by embarking on the webcam business for himself. By "himself," I of course mean him sitting at a computer while his wife goes on a webcam livestream to do sexual stuff for money from strangers.
Andrew was proud of the old man for finally giving the cam business a go.
Later on, Iggy specifically credits the PHD course for making things possible, when he says it "teaches the way to screen the great ones and catch them into the WebCam mentality needed to make the money."
(13 November 2019) “I take it as a sacred duty to remove ALL money from the pockets of idiots.” said Iggy. “And THAT is exactly what I train men to do - develop the skillset to liberate money from the pockets of idiots. While they smile and hand it over happily.”
(13 December 2019) War room members began to notice that Iggy Semmelweis was quieter than usual. They had all come to expect his pizazz and passion that had kept conversations going. But Iggy's attention was elsewhere for the time being.
(17 December 2019) Iggy Semmelweis expresses his plans to expand his camgirl business beyond just his wife. "We have plans for at least 2, more probably 3 - 4."
(22 December 2019) Iggy commemorates the two-month mark of his camgirl business. Beyond thanking the Tate brothers, Iggy also thanks the entire "webcam 2.0" team's program.
(24 December 2019) True to his word, Iggy posts the income from his webcam racket. Between the end of October and end of December he made $19565.10 USD.
(4 January 2020) Tristan Tate tells the war room he thinks of himself as a “general” in terms of his ranking, listing off Iggy and “J” as being his equals. To put it another way: informally amongst themselves, they considered Andrew as the main leader.
(I also want to point out Tristan’s open admission of “We run cam girls 🤷🏽♂️.”)
(+ 27 May 2019) But in an earlier argument with a war room member about no "fat girls," Iggy at one point claimed that he reported to both of the Tate brothers, not just Andrew.
(Various) The best way of showing Iggy's position of authority in the Tate war room is with examples scattered throughout the chat logs. Moderator actions, demanding other members do things, stuff like that.
This all matters as it shows Iggy's heightened levels of awareness of all aspects of what went on in the war room. The implications of which must be considered, keeping in mind the current investigation into the Tate brothers.
(19 January 2020) Andrew Tate sings praises of Iggy's webcam success. He holds it up as an example to inspire other war room members.
"Iggy KNEW women. Now he’s making MONEY with cam. Why? To DEMONSTRATE. Without action words are words. And words are cheap.”
Iggy in response really hypes himself up.
(31 March 2020) I thought it worth adding this post as a display of how connected Andrew Tate was to his bizarre spiritual guru.
(31 May 2019) This is the time that Andrew Tate recruited members of his war room to participate in a crypto pump-and-dump scheme involving the mafia’s dirty money.
In Andrew’s own words: “I did some business with them and they’ve given me 5000 coins along with cash.”
I posted this audio publicly on my YouTube channel already.
“So yeah. The guy who owns this exchange is uh…. war room only guys. The guy who own this exchange is straight fucking gangster. So if you google up you’ll notice that the Bulgarian government, they seized about I think some billions of dollars worth of Bitcoin from some criminal guys, and they did that because the guys who were trying to sell the Bitcoin through an exchange, so they made their own exchange now.”
Tate supporters accused it of being A.I. generated even though I have enough metadata and so forth to establish it’s legit.
This is the part where Andrew Tate involves the war room in criminal activity.
“So this is basically a mafia exchange. So all the mafia guys it’s gonna fucking be all their money in here, because this exchange don’t give a shit where the money comes from, it’s all just shady underworld shit. But the BOA coin that they launched… they’re gonna pump. Hard. So get the coins free now because they’re completely free. It’s going to go up. So they got some things going on, it’s gonna go up. I’ll let you know when it is, probably. They’ll tell me when a good time to sell is. So they’re aiming for like, I don’t know what they’re aiming for… they’re aiming for a hundred dollars a coin and that’s going to be fucking hard. But we’ll see what happens. Even if it goes up to fifty, sixty dollars a coin who cares, it’s free. So that’s a mafia exchange. But yeah, that’s why it’s hard for US citizens. But if you want to use a VPN, no one gives a fuck. Just get involved.”
“Could we get a signal for when to sell them?” asked a war room member who apparently wanted to make sure they correctly participated in the insider trading. “I’ll tell you when I sell mine,” responded Andrew.
The war room seriously just went along with it.
6 out of 7 reviews for the BOA exchange were negative. The overwhelming consensus among those people was that this was an unreliable and shady place for crypto trading.
(6 June 2019) It happened again. This time A.T. told the war room to invest in eboost because some rich guys were set to artificially inflate the price. This was alongside the BOA coin scheme. You can even see “BOA exchange” in the browser tabs on this video Andrew posted when introducing the eboost stuff.
“Will be listed on new exchange Monday,” he said. “And it will be integrated as a currency in a bunch of games.” “I have 500,000 of them,” Andrew also revealed.
So A.T. had multiple schemes going on at once in Summer 2019.
“Are you keeping an eye on the Boa coins tate?" a war room member asked. "Of course. I’ll be drinking with the dudes who own the exchange once a week," Andrew replied.
The following was posted by Tristan Tate. It was chatter from some kind of meeting about the plans for eboost. “Classified. Eboost info,” Andrew said when describing the file.
(How in the world could anyone “fake” this second supporting bit of evidence is beyond me. It’d require hiring voice actors and I don’t have that kind of money.)
“Who bought eboost?” Andrew asked a short time later when the price went up.
Now let’s be 1000% sure that this is insider trading.
June 6th 2019: the following imgur link is posted to the war room: “Congrats everyone. we got 11/11 votes. We will be listed on DEX soon. keep ready with BNB and EBST to trade to world best DEX.”
June 7th 2019: the official PR Newswire announcement says "eSports Token eBoost to be Listed on Binance DEX."
Finally: on June 14th 2019, eboost experienced a price hike to $0.92. The purchase price on the 5th was $0.00984. Insider trading it is.
In June 2019 Andrew Tate was trying to rework his affiliate system. Rather than using links, he decided to enact a word-of-mouth system where course buyers would say "X or Y person sent me." He ruled out discount codes as an alternative because of the spammy potential they had.
You can tell in this video he's trying to be perfectly serious, too. No jokes or characters here. Just A.T. trying to push his insights of the world in the form of a physical profit, meant to lure in more people to the war room way of thinking.
(Various) Affiliate marketing was a moneymaker concept for the war room in general. But in the specific case of the Tate brothers, Andrew was still working out the kinks in this stage of building his business empire.
There were also Tate’s efforts at currency trading.
(24 March 2019) (+ 21 November 2019) "The skinnier girl is one of my main CAM girls yes," Tristan says. "Earns me 10k a month minimum." In another conversation A.T. credits cam for making him personally rich, and also cites “10/15k extra a month” as the usual income. This is one of the many times where the camgirl profession is openly encouraged throughout the war room.
(5 April 2019) A formal office setting wasn’t Andrew’s style. While hanging out in Mumbai he was making $4,000 off of one girl. He had five girls working that day, calculating that his haul would be $10,000 easily. A.T. laughed when someone asked how the girls spend it all, calling it his money. “Mr. Plenty doesn’t share.”
(24 May 2019) Something that combines the war room itself, Andrew Tate’s camgirls, his courses and the money that everyone was there to make. “Starting a new girl from scratch and building her up to 2,000 USD a day.”
As far as I can tell, $2000 daily is a high target beyond even the usual haul from the Tate brothers camgirls.
(22 June 2019) This shows Andrew’s direct oversight over the camgirl operation. I mean, the girls are literally sitting right there. “Those two idiots will make me 1000 bucks today,” A.T. wrote from the couch.
(21 August 2019) "2 weeks. This team. Total earnings 67,000 USD," says Andrew. At this moment in time he had six camgirls working for him personally. In another exchange he added that if he "made them work fully while sitting at the desk," he could scale up to 200 camgirls. A.T. also added he actually loses "money doing all the other stuff."
(1 October 2019) This exchange reveals a few different things. 1.) Tristan Tate estimating that the war room guys could crowdfund $2.2 million to buy and refurbish some kind of "war ship." 2.) Andrew going on a tangent about how great cryptocurrency is for tax avoidance. "There's no need to pay tax if you make money online unless you want to STAY in the USA. If you leave. Pay 0."
“You can get a stripe account to deposit into a foreign bank and pay 0% to anybody.”
(26 October 2019) Here we have A.T. ranting about a pay dispute. “Tiny wages,” he calls them. Andrew says he and his brother share money. “So me and T vs chick. 2/3 chance of taking all the cash. Stupid drunk hoes.”
(23 November 2019) Andrew Tate offered tax advice to the war room.
“If anyone here is making money ONLINE. And wants to discuss avoiding tax or lowering tax. Msg me side chat. But it has to be ONLINE money and you have to ALREADY be turning over money I’m not discussing pipedreams. Msg me your company and show me the turnover thus far and I’ll tell you how I do it.”
(1 December 2019) But it wasn’t all Andrew. In this next example we have "Jonathan The Money Pilot” expressing his gratitude toward A.T.’s teaching. “I’m applying your secrets and forging my own women. That she can make $10k/mo while I travel is something I’d never imagined and it’s merely the beginning.”
Andrew encouraged this way of thinking. He applauded other guys starting camgirl operations, saying “cam provides cash while keeping women grounded,” adding it causes girls to "know her place. Naked and horny.”
(13 January 2020) Andrew Tate seemed willing to move forward with his casino sharing plan that would've enabled war room members to invest in ownership of Andrew Tate's operations. He shared a conversation between himself and Sebastian. Seb told A.T. that a Chinese man had won 60,000 dollars on a machine and that there was a potential cash shortage. But luckily the guy came back and lost all his money all over again.
(25 January 2020) Andrew Tate tells a war room soldier/camgirl pimp to not give a money slave’s their €100 back and adds “FUCK HIM. LET HIM STARVE.” Vlad Obu says “great minds think alike.”
(2 April 2020) While I can’t figure out what in the world A.T. means with the “22361 usd” figure, what we do learn from this post is that Andrew bragged about Vivian bringing in $50,000 within two weeks time.
Mike Cernovich
(Various) One of the questions I had from the onset of this investigation was exploring the extent of Mike Cernovich’s role across dealings with the Tate brothers. What I discovered in the chat logs gave a substantial indication to personal and financial ties, to the extent that Mike should’ve long since publicly disclosed these things when going to bat on behalf of the Tates in interviews.
For starters: the chat logs show how much Andrew Tate looked up to Mike Cernovich. It’s rare for A.T. to give a hoot about anyone’s opinions. But within the war room itself, Cerno’s business partner’s brother George Bolen also had a place to ask for business-related help from other members.
Mike also had a place to blatantly advertise his Gorilla Mind Rush drugs.
“Taking 2 Gorilla Mind Rush about an prior to launching a 6-hour session on WebCam is REALLY nice,” said Iggy Semmelweis in a plug.
Affiliate commissions were also a thing. As in, Mike Cernovich made money off of war room members who agreed to partner up and help push his product.
On a more basic level: Andrew Tate’s war room was a glorified Cernovich fan club. So there’d be no way Mike would’ve ever spoken out against the brothers. It’d offend his own admirers, as well as the customer base he pushed gorilla pills onto.
Mike Cernovich was considered one of the war room’s top members. Somewhere slightly below management, but someone highly above the riff-raff.
In this conversation we have a situation where a (former) war room member seemingly got unruly. He was asking around why Iggy kicked him out, and Iggy decided to respond by saying "a “man like that in a tough situation would get us all killed.”
Something that blurs the lines of what management seems the war room as being. But Cerno went along with Iggy, saying: "This isn't thought of enough. One lunatic can bring all of this down. One unhinged narcissist goes on a spree or melts down at an event... and all are implicated."
Who talks like that in the first place?
Then there was that time that Tristan Tate decided to do a video advertising Cernovich’s Gorilla Mind product. It was a spoof of the 2011 movie Limitless using audio from the trailer but with Tristan acting over it. T.T. said he promised Cernovich a review, but decided that an ad was a better option for product endorsement.
Cernovich’s associate Mike Bolen tells a group member that he remembers the both of them meeting the member and his camgirl in-person at the Atlanta summit. Beyond saying everyone chatted, Bolen makes it obvious that he’s aware of the webcam camgirl operations that take place in Andrew Tate’s war room.
Jonathan Money Pilot once mentioned that he financially backed Mike Cernovich's parties and at least one of his documentaries.
Alex Jones Interlude
Earlier this year, the SPLC released an article detailing how Alex Jones tried to schmooze Joe Rogan into inviting Andrew Tate on as a podcast guest. It was part of a larger series from SPLC based on a massive cache of leaked Alex Jones texts.
(Where did these Alex Jones text leaks come from? SPLC explained how lawyers who had repped Alex Jones in lawsuits “messed up” big time and leaked them via email.)
First they go over an initial round of texts that were made on December 13th, 2019. Rogan and Alex Jones had a long conversation that can be best summarized as two longtime friends rekindling their relationship after slightly drifting apart.
Here are the parts where Alex Jones mentioned Andrew Tate:
Alex Jones to Joe Rogan, 8:04 AM: "I have known this guy a few years. He lives in Transylvania and is a really good guest. He is a long time fan of yours and said in the past you followed him on Twitter."
Joe Rogan to Alex Jones, 12:54 PM: “Yeah he’s been trying to get on my podcast for a while. I’m way over booked right now.”
Alex Jones to Joe Rogan, 2:23 PM: “I am not his agent;) just passing info on. We all know who needs to comeback on. That crazy guy who got the best numbers ever if you total up the clips from that day. I forget his name but the 3rd time would be the best only way to break the record?”
The SPLC piece adds that Andrew Tate begged Alex Jones to suggest him to Rogan in the first place.
The war room chat logs line up with this December 2019 push by Alex Jones to get Andrew Tate on the Joe Rogan show. A.T. had a few different spots on Info Wars, and the culmination of these appearances is what prompted the Rogan effort.
(December 2019) On A.T.’s old “OfWudan” Twitter account, he hyped up the fact Alex Jones invited him to Texas to make online content for their brands.
(December 11th) It was some kind of show with Andrew Tate and Savanah Hernandez taking phone calls. People saw A.T. on the screen as a novelty. It was new. War room crowd didn't know what to think. But the consensus would make itself clear in the next two shows.
Tate war room members actually somewhat hated the first showing. “Can see why Paul Joseph Watson slowly moved away from infowars now,” someone commented. “Tate and him are good buddies. They can move away together,” another responded.
(December 12th) The energy of the war room was at a peak when Andrew Tate and Alex Jones were doing a show together. The chat seemed like they were the most engaged at this point of the Info Wars watch-a-long series given their strong reactions. Critiques included too many ads and that Alex Jones had too much time to speak when compared to A.T.
During this particular showing: war room members began discussing the possibility of Andrew Tate going on Joe Rogan's podcast.
(December 13th) Andrew Tate asked someone to record his appearance. War room people rushed to their screens to cheer on their Dear Leader. Their initial reactions were actually complaints about how many commercials InfoWars had going throughout. But members of Tate's fan club reacted in a largely positive fashion to A.T.'s hosting of Info Wars, with the consensus being that Andrew did a good job balancing out what he personally wanted to talk about vs. what the show's producers demanded.
Vlad Obu/Joe Lampton floated the idea of nudging Joe Rogan on Twitter to convince him to get Andrew Tate on his podcast. A.T. loved the suggestion and ordered his war room members to start the social media push.
"Voice note from Alex Jones. Joe rogan is watching the tweets we’re sending," Andrew said after a little while.
“Hey uh… Joe responded back, uh, said he’d take it under consideration and that was it,” Alex Jones said in the recording.
There was a follow-up voice note from Tristan.
“That’s Alex Jones saying that Joe Rogan said he’ll take it under consideration, having Andrew on the show. So all the work you guys are doing, good, paying off slowly. Keep it up!”
Here's the part where I'd link to Andrew Tate's appearance on the Joe Rogan podcast. But that never happened, so there's nothing to link to.
While Andrew Tate never got on to the Joe Rogan show, what we can learn from this is that the political commentary scene works on a system of favors. If A.T. was willing to ask Alex Jones for a Rogan invite, it was probably one of many other requests made.
Jacob Wohl
Jacob Wohl never really fit into the war room. By that I mean his personality didn’t fit. “If the Dems win in 2020, people like Cerno and I will be rounded up. They’ll Manafort us with anything and everything. That’s why you have to be international,” J.W. once told the group.
What follows is an informal "ask me anything" session that Jacob Wohl gave at the peak of his popularity within Tate's war room. J.W.'s responses and commentary all give us context to his perspective, here. Jacob Wohl is publicly known as an embellisher and B.S. artist. But in this private setting, Jacob is incredibly forthcoming about his business work in the political space.
(My opinion is) Mr. Wohl was genuinely trying to impress people throughout his time in Tate’s secret club. Agree or disagree, it's evident that this snapshot alone sets his personal tone.
(4 July 2019) Tristan Tate invites Jacob Wohl to the Tate war room. Andrew welcomes him with open arms, promising to add him to other rooms. War room members ask Wohl about his background and this is how he introduced himself:
“I’m a facilitator. Lobbyist needs to secure 5 9’s for a meeting with a lawmaker in DC (the city with the ugliest women in America), I make sure they are there. Political candidate needs a bot farm set up, I fly to Ukraine or Moldova and put it together. Then I do stunts to get media coverage, because it’s fun.”
“Pressure 7th floor at State Dept. or just go over and pay a “fine” to the jailer if that fails,” Jacob adds.
A.T. sees J.W. as someone connected to the U.S. politics scene. They seem to hit it off immediately. At the time of his entry into the war room, Wohl was heading to the Ukraine on business. He calls it a place to easily pass off women onto rich men. J.W. is keen on it enough to buy a condo/apartment there.
The theme to Jacob Wohl’s time in the war room is revealing tons of things about himself in a very short amount of time. The veracity of these assertions seemingly varies. On his first day in the war room, J.W. said he previously had a camgirl racket of his own.
Jacob Wohl eventually gave his general opinion on A.T.’s camgirl operation.
“Guys who run cam businesses don’t get enough credit as the true philanthropists that they are. Girl is working 12 hours a day, 6 days a week at a dingy restaurant in Eastern Europe, lucky is she’s making $300 USD/month and even luckier if she’s got a boyfriend who’s making $250 USD/mo. Then all of a sudden, she’s got a real man in charge of her destiny and she’s making $300-$700 USD in a single hour of easy work.”
(5 July 2019) J.W. claims to have an “investor citizenship” in Ukraine as one of the girl’s in his posse has an oligarch for a father. “So easy to pull strings. Mayor of Odessa is a friend of a friend,” is how Wohl describes it. Andrew Tate adds how he was nearby to Jacob, somewhere across the black sea.
On that note, Wohl says elsewhere: “Pro-Tip: Date spectacularly rich girls, and do business with their fathers.”
(6 July 2019) J.W. says being a pimp is important in the world of business because “women are traded like race horses” to CEOs and congressmen. He tells other war room members that girls are regularly exchanged other favors.
Further establishing the political connections aspect to Wohl’s appeal, J.W. brings up that he first met A.T. when he was in DC. Jonathan Money Pilot says he spotted Jacob talking with Jack Posobiec and Tristan Tate about Ukraine.
(9 July 2019) Jacob offers advice on watches to the war room.
“Needed to move $15K without bulk cash. Bought a Rolex See Dweller 50th anniversary edition, sold it when I landed for the exact same amount that I purchased it for. If you understand watches, they can be a handy device to move $”
A.T. says he regrets buying watches new instead of secondhand.
(11 July 2019) J.W. says that in early 2016 he was hired to set up call centers in Moldova and had to steal a drunk guy’s car at some point during his time there. The company was some kind of student loan consolidation racket, with Wohl tasked to teach people English.
(12 July 2019) Wohl says he had been following the “ways of the war room” for three months before officially hopping on into the Telegram channel.
(20 July 2019) “Whenever I engage espionage against companies, one of the first things I do is find the best looking woman in HR and go to town. That way I can gain access to all the personnel files,” Wohl said.
(21 July 2019) Wohl claims it’s possible for him to have more sex than Genghis Khan when it comes to Ukrainian girls. He tells the war room that he made a custom application that auto-swipes certain girls on Tinder, and sends them a message to DM him on Instagram.
The conversation turned into Wohl showing how he “slides into DMs” of various ladies. A war room member recommends he jump into Tate’s PhD Telegram group channel.
Jacob Wohl boasted about going to the Ibiza club in Odessa, Ukraine with his arms dealer friend and a gaggle of 9 girls as his posse. He said the country’s currency was collapsing, bringing US dollars into a higher demand amid a price hike. A.T. responded by noting how Ukraine was similar to Romania with the types of girls that were there. He pointed out that Moldovan women were often sighted in these countries because they didn’t need a travel visa.
(23 July 2019) Jacob Wohl tells war room members how to circumvent scrutiny from their banks when it comes to buying crypto. During the conversation we learn that both Bank of America and Chase are institutions that at one time or another have closed his accounts.
(24 July 2019) Wohl namedrops all the people he purportedly met in a cigar lounge in Odessa: "A Turkish Arms dealer (white hat), an Israeli spook, a Chinese securities fraudster, a Russian internet millionaire and a Sudanese guy who didn’t say what he does but was clearly well todo."
(26 July 2019) Jacob claims he can’t be a street fighter anymore since he carries a gun.
Wohl complains that he got good press before the Trump era began. Then he alleges that there was a secret libel suit involving himself, Jack Burkman, and Daily Beast where the outlet settled for $300,000 of damages (which amounted to $120,000 for him personally after expenses).
When asked about his line of work, Wohl highlights how he’s a partner at Jack Burkman’s lobbying firm.
This is how J.W. describes lobbying.
Tate applauded him as a “G” for his successes at such a young age. Wohl kept on talking: “Jack’s side partner Ralph Palmeri runs a little background check outfit. Jack has lobbied for him to get $30M in spending from the DOD since 2008. Un-fucking-real.”
Jacob Wohl spills that he and Jack Burkman got hired by Ukrainian interests to “run a campaign to help them get Patriot Missile systems.” He adds that that was one of the reasons he traveled to the country.
(27 July 2019) The war room is fascinated with Jacob Wohl’s infiltration of US politics. One member asks if he could teach a course on how to make these kinds of connections. A.T. calls it “interesting” and says he’d be DMing J.W. for advice later on.
(31 July 2019) Wohl floated the idea to himself of starting "another influencer marketing company just with all the insta hoes I know." He claimed to have done it before with something called Creator Edge, which apparently had a network of people who all had 750K+ followers.
(1 August 2019) Jacob Wohl tells the war room that he had to bribe Ukrainian cops. On the way home with a girl, the cops stopped him and claimed he was there to buy drugs. He said he had to pay them $300 USD to go away. “I appreciate the hustle,” Wohl wrote. “Next time I’ll just outrun them.”
For some reason, Jacob Wohl decided to post multiple PDFs of his stock trades. In doing so, he revealed he has helped at least one Chinese investor.
J.W. later brought up that people accuse him of “deploying” his women into hairy situations as a means of setting up others. He shares a conversation he had to that effect with one girl, alongside some of her nudes.
(4 September 2019) Jacob Wohl had lasted a total of two months in Andrew Tate’s war room before it became clear to everyone that he was gone. It was an unceremonious disappearance in his case. It had come out that J.W. had been charged in California for the illegal sale of securities. The conversation was only mentioned in passing because A.T. had coincidentally asked war room members about the greatest hardship in their lives, and many were too busy responding to that, instead.
Andrew Tate, Iggy, and the war room had briefly uplifted Wohl as someone useful for getting feet in the door of American politics. But his relevancy came to an end.
And, for context. There was a special Jacob Wohl room set up by Iggy. It was promised to teach other war room members the tips and tricks to make connections in the political world that he did.
It didn’t last too long. But it definitively links Wohl to Andrew Tate.
(24 April 2019) (+ 10 September 2019) A two-parter instance.
Back in April: the Tate brothers *both* acknowledged the addition of a new member: someone who ran a video production company in Orlando, Florida. He says he met Andrew and Tristan in person earlier in the year. Andrew replied by telling this person: "Get in the webcam group if you're not already G." Tristan tells this person that they added them to the webcam group.
Fast forward to September: the very same person from April comes back and says “started a modeling agency. Just booked my first casting call. This will be a front for cam girl acquisition.” The war room members had an actual moment of clarity and questioned this guy’s business practices as fraud. The modeling agency fraudster said “for high quality girls I need social proof. Having 10’s around attracts more 10’s.”
Iggy Semmelweis disavowed what this modeling agency guy was doing as human trafficking. But then he also added “have a great girl so madly in love with you that she WANTS to WebCam so the 2 of you can make ALL your dreams come true TOGETHER.”
As if to imply that there wasn’t an inherit deception built into the foundations of Andrew Tate’s PhD (loverboy) method in which the girls must fall in love with a guy first, before secondly bringing up going on cam.
(21 May 2019) Andrew Tate shares how he was attempting to a set up his own channel for obtaining additional passports for war room members. When previously asked for comment on this sort of thing, A.T.’s representatives denied any illegality.